Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12 is...

Julienne Fries Day

This phrase always makes me think of the beginning of Aladdin, but I digress.  Julienne fries, unexcitingly enough, are just regular french fries.  Julienning refers to the way the potato is cut, namely, in long thin strips.  But whatever, eat some fries guilt-free!  Hooray!

Middle Child's Day

Finally, some recognition!  For those of you (myself included, to some extent) suffering from middle child syndrome, go out and get yourself some ice cream, or julienne fries, and celebrate your middleness!  I'm technically not a middle child being #2 of 4, but I'm about as middle as it gets in my family.  I'm the middle of three boys, and then came the baby girl.

Coming Attractions: National Filet Mignon Day

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