Friday, August 15, 2008

August 14 is...

National Creamsicle Day

Whoever discovered that oranges taste so good with cream is not only a culinary genius, but a genius because of the fact that citrus fruits will curdle milk faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle."  I praise his daring ambition and will enjoy a creamsicle  in his honor.

Happy Feet Day

Keeping your feet healthy and happy is important.  After all, you really only get two and they should last you your whole life.  There's probably not a more exercised part of the body than the feet.  So get a pedicure, massage, foot rub, foot scrub, whatever.  But pamper your feet today and they'll continue to take care of you for years to come. :)

Coming Attractions: Lemon Merengue Pie Day, National Relaxation Day, National Failures Day

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