Friday, June 13, 2008

June 13 is...

Blame Someone Else Day

Blame Someone Else Day is one of those inconsistent holidays.  It happens the first Friday the 13th every year.  So, it's always on a Friday, and it's always on the 13th, but it's never in the same month., blame somebody else for everything.  If it's good stuff, you can blame me.  If it's bad stuff, I recommend blaming Canada.

Friday the 13th!

Spooky.  I'm not superstitious at all, but once when I was in 7th grade there was a big Friday the 13th shindig at the rollerskating rink.  I went with a couple of friends, ended up getting $30 stolen...and a headache.  It was lame.

National Juggling Day

I can sort of juggle.  I have a friend who's an amazing juggler.  It's kind of fun to at least try, so I recommend that today.

Sewing Machine Day

See what new and fantastic wonders you can create with this marvel of modern technology.  It sure made the textile industry boom.  I just mine for a little personal tailoring of clothing that doesn't fit exactly as I'd like it to.  And to me, that's worth it.

Coming Attractions: National Strawberry Shortcake Day, Pop Goes the Weasel Day

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