Saturday, June 7, 2008

June 7 is...

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Yes!!!  I love chocolate ice cream!  I think this might call for a trip to Cold Stone.  So, funny story.  Several years ago I was working as a schlep for Disney in Florida.  To spice things up I would often tell guests about random holidays.  On June 7th I happened to be working in a gift shop and would say, "Happy National Chocolate Ice Cream Day!  Go celebrate!"  I was amazed at how many people asked if free ice cream was being given away somewhere.  I just wanted to say, "Are you kidding?  Disney give something away?  Ha!"  But I just politely said, "No.  But you should go get some ice cream and celebrate anyway."

Accordion Lover's Day

How appropriate during National Accordion Awareness Month.  Well, all I know is that my 11-year old cousin plays the accordion and it rocks.  So, let's all appreciate this dying art a bit more.  It really is just amazing.

Coming Attractions: Jelly-filled Donut Day, Name Your Poison Day, Shoo Fly Day

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