Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20 is...

Ice Cream Soda Day

Not to be confused with National Ice Cream Soda Day in August.  No, today's just an ordinary Ice Cream Soda Day, but a good one nonetheless.  Today's the day to explore the soda/ice cream mixture beyond the bound of the traditional root beer or cola float.  Try some fruity soda flavors, or maybe mix the ice cream up a bit.  I had a chocolate root beer float once - it wasn't bad.

National Vanilla Milkshake Day

No reason to reinvent the wheel.  This is just a classic, and in a rather serendipitous string of events I had a vanilla milkshake in Mexico and it ended up being one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted.  So let's all go old school today.

Plain Yogurt Day

I've never eaten plain yogurt, but my Dad did in Europe once and almost gagged.  That's probably why I never have...and never will.  But for those of you stalwart adventurists out there, this may be something you'd like to try.  And I say more power to you!

Coming Attractions: National Peaches and Cream Day, 

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