Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22 is...

National Jelly Bean Day

I like Jelly Belly's best, but who doesn't?  And I'd like to know who thought of this idea, because let's be honest - random.

Just Salute Day

I'll admit it, I'm a saluter.  I think it's a great all-around greeting that's appropriate in most situations.  And I salute that.

Earth Day

Intended to create awareness for Earth and its environs.  Be nice to the Earth today...well you should every day, but go out of your way today.

Coming Attractions: National Cherry Cheesecake Day, National Picnic Day, World Laboratory Animal Day

1 comment:

Launi said...

i doesn't. :) i like starburst jelly beans best. mmmmm....but it seems like you can only get them at easter time. boo!