Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 6 is...

National Carmel Popcorn Day

I love home-made carmel popcorn.  Only the really gooey stuff that sticks to everything is worth eating in my opinion.  I don't like the crunchy stuff.  Popcorn crunches enough on its own.  Anyway, here's a recipe if you're feeling adventurous.

Sorry Charlie Day

I guess today you can just tell everyone they're up a creek whenever they ask for something.  Do no one a favor.

Fresh Tomato Day

mmm...fresh tomatoes...
I used to not be a fan of the tomato, but then I lived in a foreign country and had to pretty much just eat what I was given - which included tomatoes a lot of the time - and I grew to love them.  There are about a billion and one uses for tomatoes, so find your favorite and go to town.

Coming Attractions: No Housework Day, Coffee Cake Day, Ham Radio Day

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