Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28 is...

National Hamburger Day

I'm just prayin' for hamburgers at school lunch.  Hamburgers were first introduced in Hamburg, Germany (makes sense, doesn't it?) in the mid 1800's.  Or at least, that's one theory.  Here are a few more...

National Brisket Day

I really just like the word brisket.  It's fun to say.  It's also the cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of an animal. Here are some good ways to prepare brisket.

Kite Flying Day

This is really so much fun!  I love flying kites.  It gets a bit tricky when all you have is the plastic kite from Wal-mart and it's super windy, but it's still fun.  So go fly a kite!  And if there's no wind, just watch Mary Poppins.

Coming Attractions: End of the Middle Ages Day, Paper Clip Day

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