Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 3 is...

Lumpy Rug Day

Apparently just a day to appreciate your rug.  So if you've got one, vacuum it up, beat it out, clean it off.  If you haven't got one, today might be a good day to buy one.  And I actually saw a rug with lumps woven into it at IKEA the other day.  Might be a good option.

National Raspberry Tart Day

A raspberry tart.  Fattening, but delicious.

Good Posture Day

I have a friend who's a massage therapist and is always admonishing us to use good posture.  I think it's an excellent idea - though not always the easiest one to implement into one's life.  Today I'm going to renew my resolve to practice good posture.

Coming Attractions: National Candied Orange Peel Day, National Orange Juice Day

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