Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5 is...

National Hoagie Day

This sandwich of sandwiches.  Though really I'd prefer something a little less...processed.  The word Hoagie kind of grosses me out a little.

Oyster Day

Eat them, dig in them for pearls, whatever.

Museum Lover's Day

I don't know of many museums where I live, but I'm sure I can find something.  I wish I was in DC this week because for years I've wanted to visit the Museum of American History at the Smithsonian.  One day...

Cinco de Mayo

I'm pretty sure this is an over-Americanized version of a fairly low-key Mexican holiday, but hey, it's an excuse to have great food and a lot of fun, so party it up!

International Salsa Day

Coincidence that it falls on the same day as Cinco de Mayo?  I think not.  Again - party it up.  And bring some good salsa.  I recommend lots of cilantro.

Coming Attractions: Beverage Day, National Crepes Suzette Day, International No Diet Day, International Poke Day

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I don't know what you are talking about. I celebrate International No Diet Day EVERY day.