Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18 is...

Oatmeal Cookie Day

Probably my least favorite of the cookie family.  Mostly because there's no chocolate involved.  Though I don't know that I've ever been disappointed in an oatmeal cookie.  Perhaps that's because my expectations are rather low where oatmeal cookies are concerned.  Anyway, today might be the day for me to kindle a fondness for this would-be treat.  We'll see how that goes...

I Can Crochet Day

And I can.  Maybe I will.  For the rest of you who can, there are people in need of scarves, hot pads, dish cloths, and yes, even doilies.  So use your talents to make the world a more...crochet-clad place.

Coming Attractions: Poultry Day, National Chocolate Carmel Day, Let's Laugh Day

 - Also, I learned that yesterday - March 17 - was not, in fact, St. Patrick's Day.  At least not this year.  Apparently due to the fact that Easter is early this year, yesterday was Palm Monday and the Catholic church has an aversion to overlapping "religious" holidays, and thus changed ol' Pat's Day to Saturday the 12th.  I regret that I missed that one.  But really?  St. Patrick's Day has always been on the 17th, and I don't know that I trust the judgement of an organization that decorates their churches with people's skulls.


Tara said...

According to my High School Musical 2 calendar, yesterday (March 17th) was indeed St. Patrick's Day. Anything with Zac Efron's face on it must be right, so I'm sticking with the 17th. Thank you very much.

Greg D said...

I also just realized that Saturday was not the 12th. The 12th was a Wednesday. So I did a bit of investigative journalism, and according to www.catholicnewsagency.com the day was officially changed to Saturday the 15, though everyone in the world - including the Irish Catholics themselves, still celebrated it on the 17th.
They also said, "This marks the first time the date has been changed since 1940. The next conflict with Holy Week is not expected until 2160."
So, we can relax because no one on earth today will be alive the next time this happens.