Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31 is...

National Clams on the Half-Shell Day

Clams are not my favorite. Don't know that I'll be celebrating this one, but for those of you who want to - go ahead.

Oranges and Lemons Day

Hooray for citrus fruit! Make orange juice, lemon pie, mandarin salad - whatever. Just use oranges and lemons. I recommend finding a good candy store and buying candied oranges and lemons that still have the rinds attached - especially if they're dipped in chocolate. mmmm.....

Bunsen Burner Day

I don't really know how to celebrate this one if you don't have access to a chemistry lab. Maybe just let your local chemistry geek know about the day so they can enjoy it to the fullest. The rest of us can just be grateful we don't have to deal with noxious chemicals.

Birthday Roll:

The coolest little buddy in the world, Tanner McGuire, celebrates his 14th today.

Coming Attractions: April Fool's Day, One Cent Day, Sourdough Bread Day

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