Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 20 is...

Barbie Doll Day

Yes, an entire day for that iconic piece of playful americana.  As Aqua so deftly observes  "You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere; imagination, life is your creation."  The possibilities with Barbie are endless.  I mean, what more could you want when you own a pink car and a giant pink house?  So dig up your old dolls, play with your kid's dolls, or maybe just reminisce a bit.  Personally I'll be designing my own line of modern day Barbies including West Side Barbie complete with giant hoop earrings and removable pregnant belly, and varicose veins Barbie.

Proposal Day

Get down on your knee and get 'r done.  Just pop the question.  Or propose something a little less commitment intensive like a game of air hockey.

Festival of Extraterrestrial Abductions Day

Wow, that's a mouthful.  But why not?  I imagine these are the same people that frequent Renaissance Festivals and the like.  We can all celebrate with stories of how bright the lights were along with the finer points of anal probing.  I'll let you discover your own cache of stories, but in the event an abduction happens to you, here are some helpful tips to save your self from the wandering hands of an other-worldly visitor.

National Ravioli Day

I love ravioli.  Really, I love almost anything Italian.  Once I had butternut squash ravioli with a delightful sprinkling of chocolate over the top.  You might think it an odd combo, but it really was delightful.  There are endless options for your ravioli fun, so I'll again let you discover your own.  If you're not in the mood to cook, might I suggest the Ravioli di Portobello at Olive Garden.

Coming Attractions: Fragrance Day, It's Spring Day.

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