Sunday, February 10, 2008

February 10 is...

Umbrella Day

For a day like this, you'd think they'd have it be on the first day of the year when rain is forecast or something, nonetheless...
Grab your umbrella and carry it with you all day.  If nothing else it'll make people wonder, and that's always fun.  If you don't have an umbrella, today would be a good day to buy one.  And you never know when that freak rainstorm might pop up.
Here's an adorable song about a small umbrella.  I love it.

Cream Cheese Brownie

I just bought cream cheese brownies at Wal-mart.  I call that a stroke of luck...or maybe it's fate.  In any event, here's a recipe.

Boy Scout Day

It's time to pull out the old kerchief and show off your orienteering skills.  Or at least try to remember the scout motto...or is it the oath?  A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.  And my dad always added hungry, which is perhaps the most true of all.  I'll admit I had to look a couple of them up, it's been a while since I was actively involved in scouting.  And that's actually the scout law.  (hides head in shame)

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