Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 21 is...

Card Reading Day

I'm assuming they mean tarot cards.  But for those of you who aren't too keen on astrology and all that jazz, head to your local Halmark store and read some of those cards.  I've spent many a delightful moment perusing the fresh ink cards.  Some of them have made me laugh out loud.  You could also dig up old birthday/Christmas/get well soon/whatever cards and reminisce while reading those...or I guess you could just read a deck of playing cards, though I doubt they'd provide much entertainment.

National Sticky Bun Day

I'm not sure why no one coordinated this day with the Feast of the Sticky Buns, but I'm not complaining.  Go get some sticky buns, make some yourself, or just eat your leftovers from last week.  Go on, celebrate!

Barley Pudding Day

For those wondering - yes.  There is such a thing as barley pudding.  And no, it's not alcoholic.  Apparently it tastes like rice pudding, only it's better for you.  So enjoy!  You're lucky, you get two desserts today.  I'm thinking maybe one counteracts the effects of the other, though I'm not sure which...


Tara said...

And why are you a day ahead?

Greg D said...

Read my post from the 15th. Apparently you missed it.