Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 27 is...

International Polar Bear Day

Um...I think the only legitimate thing I can actually suggest is going to the zoo...provided there's on in your area, and that it is home to a polar bear.  Otherwise, just fill your tub with ice-water and jump in.

National Strawberry Day

I love strawberries in all forms - fresh, as a preserve/jam, in pie, covered in chocolate - especially covered in chocolate - as a garnish, you name it, I'll eat it...within reason.  I was unaware that strawberries were in season this early in the year, but regardless.  Go out, get yourself some strawberries, and practice being sensual.  Heaven knows I could use some practice.

Flip a Pancake Day

I wonder what the rules are regarding spatulas here.  I think I might practice flipping the pancake without using a spatula.  I think that would be a cool/impressive trick for when you have kids.  Plus, you get to eat pancakes, though seeing as how this is simply flip a pancake day, one is certainly not required to eat the pancakes one has flipped.  I recommend topping the finished pancakes - at least the ones that survived - with strawberries and whipped cream.

Coming Attractions: Public Sleeping Day, National Chocolate Souffle Day, Blue Jeans Day

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