Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11 is...

National Step-in-a-puddle-and-splash-your-friend Day

Again, one of those holidays that may not belong in January. Mostly because only a small percentage of Americans can celebrate this day (not that I'm anti-global celebrations or anything, just a prideful American who would like to celebrate...) Maybe they just ran out of room in April. So, if you're lucky enough to find a puddle, and lucky enough to have friends, and lucky enough to be with your friends...near the puddle, by all means, splash them. Splash them with all your might. You're one of the lucky few. Maybe the rest of us can just watch Singin' In the Rain.

Milk Day

Now here's a holiday I can really get behind. Grab a huge class, fill it with milk, and go to town. Feel free to give your milk friends in the form of cookies, brownies, cakes...or any baked goods really. Pour it without reservation over your breakfast cereal. Add chocolate syrup and have a party. Get your calcium. After all, it does a body good (which; in my humble, yet accurate opinion, was a better campaign than "Got Milk?")

Apple Jack Day

"What exactly is an applejack?" you may be asking. Well, according to Wikipedia it may be several things: An alcoholic beverage produced from apples, a famous American cereal,
the name of a My Little Pony, a song by Dolly Parton, or a hat popular in the early 20th century among Rastafarians. Use your imagination with today, but if you must drink, please drink responsibly. My personal recommendation is a safer, and more delicious, bowl of Apple Jacks - thus allowing you to celebrate two holidays in one.

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