Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7 is...

Old Rock Day

Not that there's such a thing as a young rock...but I guess it's all relative. Find a rock. Paint it, give it away, break it, make stone soup, use it as a book end. The possibilities are endless, really.

National Tempura Day

What is it with this stuff? In my opinion it's like a continental version of the good ol' southern deep fried stuff. I guess if it floats your boat. If you're gonna go old-world style though, you should do shrimp tempura, because if you're gonna do chicken, you might as well just nip on over to the KFC and save yourself the trouble.

Dress up a Pet Day

I'm generally opposed to animal clothing. I think it's useless. Animals were designed not to need clothing. But I guess if you're into that sort of thing, today's a good day to go buck wild with it. Buy your chihuahua a tuxedo, put your Siamese cat in a ball-gown, or dress up your gerbil like Spider-man. You can even dress up your pet rock.

1 comment:

Max Power said...

Since it is tempura day, I will celebrate by eating at a Japanese restaurant. Huzzah!