Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31 is...

Scotch Tape Day

I don't know how to celebrate this one, other than to suggest that you might hang things all over the place, or rip a bunch of paper and then repair it. I don't know that scotch tape has much utility outside of the Christmas season...

Backwards Day

I can't see how this is really any different from opposite day, but celebrate anyway. I guess if there's something you already do backwards - i.e. you're left handed - then don't change. Maybe today would be a good day to like Canada.


Tara said...

What about National Popcorn day? I have noted that January 31st is National Popcorn day...and it should be celebrated.

Greg D said...

National Popcorn Day was actually on the 19th. October is Popcorn Month, and Dec. 23 is Popcorn Popping Day. So...there ya go.