Tuesday, January 22, 2008

January 23 is...

National Handwriting Day

Find a new way to write, or just practice your current penmanship. Today might also be a good day to forget the e-mail and actually put time into writing an actual note to someone. Just an idea.

National Pie Day

I freaking love pie. I might have to splurge a bit and really celebrate today. Maybe banana cream...mmm...
On a side-note today also happens to be Rhubarb Pie Day. I've never tried rhubarb, so today may be a day for a personal first.

Measure Your Feet Day

Could there be a more pointless activity? I guess if you're bored, though...
My feet are a size 10, sometimes I can fit into a size 9, and for one pair of shoes I really should have bought an 11, but I bought them online, so I didn't know. Also, I just checked. My feet are approximately 10.5 inches, and 26.5 centimeters long. Maybe during school I'll measure in pounds, grams, decimeters, or hairs per square inch.


Tara said...

I think you should have added this in honor of Pie Day:

“When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmmm, boy.”--Jack Handy


Nichole said...

We should get some rhubarb pie together. It's my favorite! I LOVE PIE! We should also watch Waitress. It's all about pie. And adultery. But it's sweet. ;)

~~louise~~ said...

What a handy Blog to measure the days... I will be referring back often... Perhaps, it's also Rhubarb Pie Day because it was in January when Benjamin Franklin sent the first shipment of rhubarb to the United States from London.