Friday, January 18, 2008

January 18 is...

Winnie the Pooh Day

Probably my least favorite member of the Disney family.  I don't know why, but he just kinda bugs.  Slight animosity aside, today's the day to celebrate his pooh-ness.  So grab a honey pot, your favorite psychological disorder, a corner of the hundred-acre wood, and say nothing all day but, "Oh bother."

Peking Duck Day

Here's a recipe.

Here's a random blog with the title The Peking Duck.

Here are some random factoids.  

Add one table spoon of soy sauce, and enjoy.

Metric System Day

Finally a day to celebrate the most brilliant system of measurement since...well probably ever.  Heaven knows the British were on drugs when they based their system of measurements on the length of some old (and probably ugly) king's decrepit body parts.  So, have a litre of water, measure yourself in kilograms at the gym, and drive a few kilometers home.  And really, we should go metric.

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