Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9 is...

National Apricot Day

I wonder at the wisdom of having a day dedicated to fruit in the middle of the winter, but it's not up to me, so I'll celebrate nonetheless. Apricots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and are useful in reducing infections or skin problems. They're also pretty tasty. So, though there may be a dearth of fresh apricots at the moment, you can always find the dried variety. I enjoy apricot cheesecake, apricot chutney, and apricot jam on toast. There's this amazing stuff called freezer jam that I made once. You use a specific kind of pectin, frozen fruit, and an absurd amount of sugar, and you pretty much instantly have jam. Might be something to look into for today.

Step Father's Day

Don't know that I can really sympathize with this day, being that I have no step-father, but for those of you who do, why not show him you care? If you have a good relationship with your step-father you probably celebrate his fatherly-ness on Father's Day, so today is rather superfluous. I think Step-Father's Day is for those who don't get along so well with the not-quite-so-old-man. Get him half a tie, or one of those blinking hats - but one where only half the lights work. You could even show how much you really care by making some home-made apricot jam...and 'accidentally' forget the sugar. I wonder if Hallmark has a card...

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