Friday, January 4, 2008

January 4 is...

Trivia Day

Who won the superbowl in 1974? Who was the third person in the credits of the highest grossing film from 1966? How much does the average cow liver weigh? Who cares? Well, today's the day to find out. So go out there and garner more useless information to dispense to hundreds of your indifferent friends and acquaintances.

National Spaghetti Day

"On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed." Today's the day to boil, cook, strain, oil, cut, twirl and slurp. Do it your way. Al dente, a la marinara, a la carte...just don't forget the parmesan - and a napkin. As a side-note it is proper etiquette to slurp one's spaghetti. So go ahead and enjoy.

Clean Desk Day

As I observe my own writing area, I think I may need to take advantage of this one. Put the books away, dust those pesky corners, clean out the drawers, straighten that glistening name-plate. Today your desk should reflect your personality...unless of course you have a cluttered personality; in which case I recommend intense psychoanalysis.

1 comment:

richbarn said...

thanks for the menu suggestion. And as you know there is no such thing as too much parmesan cheese. Ever!