Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 24 is...

Eskimo Pie Patent Day

Ok, so I don't know that we can really celebrate by eating Eskimo Pies since we're celebrating the patent, and not the actual "pie" - though technically not a pie...but I say what the hey!  Go eat an Eskimo Pie.  I'd include an Eskimo Pie recipe,'s patented.  So, here's what I could find of the history of the Eskimo Pie.

National Peanut Butter Day

Not my favorite of the sweets, but bearable.  Have a sandwich, a reese's, a cookie, or just a huge glob of peanut butter right off the spoon (I think the latter is the reason I'm not such a fan of peanut butter.  I did it once, and henceforth developed an aversion.)

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I beg to differ - peanut butter is where it's at! I will definitely pause for a moment in honor of the wonderful creation that is...peanut butter!